Monday 25 March 2013

Day Five - 12% High Alert Day!

Today was THE best.

We had 6 backers in 24 hours who pledged £988 between them! Hitting 12% felt good I've go to tell you. This meant that our possibility of hitting our target just went up from around 40% to 65%! Well according to a blog post it did... [The Untold Story Behind Kickstarter Stats].

There was a rather awesome pay forward event during the day which is worth mentioning. My best friend posted our project on his Facebook timeline, and as a result, one of his connections saw the project and we received a rather big pledge! Amazing turn of events.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Insist that your bestest friends post and re-post the project. You never know who they know or how much they will love your idea!
  2. Keep plugging away. Emails, tweets, likes and re-posts. You have to continuously approach new people with your idea and get their feedback!
  3. Google Alerts. A fantastic find. I now have Google alerting me to articles and news on happiness across the world. When I get it, I repost it on my Facebook page. Sorted!
Super fantastic day!!

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