Wednesday 27 March 2013

Day Seven - 13% Happy Entrepreneurs

A large amount of potential and new connections were picked up today. We went along to a networking meeting in London and met with a gaggle of wannabe entrepreneurs who all had a penchant for happy start-ups. Quite fun really.

Some of the visitors had already seen our pitch on KickStarter, and one in particular didn't quite get it. That was frustrating, but forced me to look at our pitch thrice again.

We have had over 100 video views and only a handful of KickStarter member pledges... why?? Was it because they don't 'get' us?

Going to think on that whilst I re-tweet and like more stuff....

Lessons Learned:

  1. Speak to as many people about your project as possible. Try to find meetings which you have something in common with the crowd and go along to make new friends. 
  2. Lots of video plays doesn't necessarily mean lots of pledges. Re evaluate your pitch all the time and hone it in if you feel that you are not getting the message across still. Ask potential backers and promoters for advice.
24 hours, lots of work and still no more backers...

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