Friday 12 April 2013

Day Twenty-One - 15% Gratitude. I don't get it...

It's not the first time we have heard this. Probably four times since we have taken our design on the road.

"I don't get HappiJar.", "What is it supposed to do?",  "Really? Can it do that?" "I'd get bored using it I think".

As a designer, these questions horrified me. You see, if we had not communicated the idea and our end goal with clarity then we really had little to no chance of success on Kickstarter.

From our last blog post we already concluded that our pitch may not have been as focussed as it should. The 'angle' had not been fully explained. My mind is cast back to a business networking group and being told by someone who I greatly respect that "so long as they live, some people will never 'get it' Glen". The gratitude thing.

Image courtesy of
They are likely to be the ones to benefit from the generosity of others, but never quite realise that 'paying this forward'  is essential for the wave of gratitude and happiness to propagate fully. Vis-à-vis - everyone prospers as a result.

So in reality, when I am told by another that "I don't get it..". I know exactly what kind of person I am dealing with straight away.

We still need to help ourselves with the Kickstarter pitch though - and this will happen over the weekend. We will never be able to convince an ungrateful person to suddenly begin journalling about or be thankful towards the things and the people they love in their lives. What we CAN do is remind those of us who 'get it' that practising gratitude on HappiJar is a great way to not only make ourselves feel awesome, but by paying it forward and spreading the happiness around - we get to see others smile too :)

Happiness is like strawberry jam. You can't spread it around without getting a little on yourself too.

Have a great Friday!

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