Friday 22 March 2013

Day Two - 6% Networking

Today was a busy one. I managed to visit a business social gathering that I help to host once a month.

The thought of sharing the good news about my launch with some of my business acquaintances, and anyone else with ears for that matter was quite exciting. I now had a real site to send people to!

HappiJar was well received by most, lots of connections made and we even had a glut of social media shares which took us to almost 100 Facebook likes on the KickStarter project page! Good work! I was also able to connect with a HappiJar fan who promised to forward on my link to some more people who would very much be interested in our campaign.

No additional pledges though. Not to be disheartened though, I got home and planned my social media Saturday and chased up some emails. Then thought about why backers were not crashing the servers trying to pledge their support for HappiJar... are they insane!

Lessons Learned:

  1. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. So much so that it can be quite painful hearing about how great your project is, but not great enough to back. Grow a pair Glen and stay focussed.
  2. Networking might not bring you tens or hundreds of pledges. But it could bring you more and even further reaching connections :)

Go to bed, with a slightly sore head and hope of a better tomorrow.

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