Monday 15 April 2013

Day Twenty-Three- 15% The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object

Since the beginning - even at concept design stage [see concept sketches below], we have been inundated with positive comments about what HappiJar could do for lots of people.

No one was imagining that HappiJar would become one of those 'must have' apps like your camera or email. The open mindedness of those we revealed the design to was astounding. HappiJar became an irresistible force and we felt compelled to push it forward into the world.

It took us about 3 months to pull together the Kickstarter campaign, then we launched it. Since then we have not stopped for a minute.

After launch we hovered around the Twitter hashtag - Kickstarter. We appeared to have joined a very long line of other Kickstarter's who were also raising funds for their projects, and there seemed to be a back lash. If you do a very quick online search you will find articles from bloggers and writers who are sick of giving to their friends, 'begging' for a miserly £5 or more to help fulfil their dreams. This is understandable that some of us might feel this way.

But there is a another side to the story. Constantly asking for friends to share links to your projects and talk to others about it; takes it's toll too. Chasing a dream requires a herculean effort, and I defy anyone who has attempted this before to complain when they see another taking on his or her quest.

Some dreams are small, and others are life changing. You will see every kind if you flick through some projects on a crowd funding site.

So here we are, 23 days into a 30 day campaign and it appears our project is fast becoming an Immovable Object! We are still searching for the stick of dynamite that will get this project rolling again.

One thing that has moved me more than I thought possible though was those who have openly shared my project and backed it against the odds. I really didn't expect the amount of help I have gotten so far.

Lots to do this week again.

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