Friday 5 April 2013

Day Fifthteen - 15% Growing new Networks

No backers today. Just had to get that out there. Now on to the positivity again.

I met with two people today, one friend and one a new contact who was interested in my activities and HappiJar. I also received a phone call from a professional crowd fund project manager. It was great to hear from the experts on what to do and the options available to us to get this party started.

So many new ideas to digest that's it feel like being cast into a nexus of energy and I'm trying to catch some of it on my tongue #faceburn.

Contacted the venue to speak to them about how to host a great social for HappiJar in two weeks time. This could be awesome.

We are moving forward with our collaborative endeavours together with other companies, charities and Kickstarter projects - but nothing to show for our work as of yet. More shares, more RT's, and Facebook mentions... but no more backers.

Lessons Learned:

  1. This is a white knuckle ride if you are not fortunate enough to get funded in the first week. Be prepared for the highs and lows and an out and out street fight to keep you project rolling...
  2. Opportunities will come and go. Just do your best to take advantage of as many as you can and keep a diary of your little wins. Like a blog perhaps ;)

HUGE things need to happen this weekend, but with so many balls in the air - we are beginning to wonder if we are jugglers or project manager? Or both. 

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