Friday 12 April 2013

Day Twenty-Two - 15% Being happy is about giving.

First draft for our new Kickstarter introduction. You like?

Our app is going to blow your socks off. Smart science and philosophical folk have for many years, studied and tested the affects of what gratitude has on our general well being and happiness. Entire nations are investing millions of pounds into research grants just to find out how to make you all happy with the least amount of effort.

Which is quite funny really, as a little effort is all it requires to feel happier. Gratitude plays a large part in our ability to live and appreciate what is happening around us. Be mindful, and then thankful for the all the great stuff that we experience enhances our outlook on life. We can trick ourselves into being more positive just be simply logging into life more!

It has been said that only 33% of our overall variation in life satisfaction [happiness to you and me] can be attributed to genetics alone. Another 20% linked directly to how we were brought up and 'hard wired' to view the world. I say 'hard wired', but I mean natural instinct.

Together 53% of our 'happiness' can be fixed to a certain degree. The rest? Well that's up for grabs. You can make yourself over 40% more satisfied with your life just be thinking positively. Amazing eh?

Next time you feel down, ask yourself: Do I really need to feel this way in this moment? The answer has to be no. Never.

HappiJar represents just one of the ways that you can proactively train your brain to unconsciously search for what it is that makes you grateful and as a result, happier!

Please carry out this experiment yourself to prove to that you have the power. Do you recall when you got your very first car? Exciting times. Do you also recall from then on every other car on the road seemed to be not only the same make and model but also the same colour? This is not the universe conspiring against you. This is your subconscious at work. You didn't notice them before until you had become mindful of it. This is the very reason why counting your blessings and being grateful for the little things in life is so powerful.

HappiJar provides you with a canvas to become more grateful.

Pay it forward. This is the effect of when someone thanks YOU for a particularly nice deed. It is human nature to feel massive contentment that your actions [indirectly or directly] have helped to make others happy. So as a result, it has been scientifically proven that you are many times more likely to go out and instigate your very own random act of kindness just to feel that buzz again! So let's get this 100% straight. Those of us who do nice things feel an urge to do more as a result of being appreciated and thanked.

To put this simply. The happiest of us, are the ones who do more for others. HappiJar allows you to not only record your own favourite 'things to do' but thank your close friends and family for being awesome - thus inspiring them to do even more good. Seriously. Who doesn't want that in their life?

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