Sunday 31 March 2013

Day Eleven - 14% Easter Sunday

Hey guys and girls. Today saw another two backers give us a lending hand, which is ace :)

We decided to review our past emails and try to catch up on a few connections and reach out to three other Kickstarter projects which were in full swing. We hope to launch a collaborative project and drum up some some more business for all of us in the coming week. No bites as of yet.

During our research, I found a rather interesting iPad app - called PhotoPuppet. I sat up until 1 am toying with another idea to get our name out there. More about that tomorrow.

Oh and currently if you search for us in the Technology projects on Kickstarter, we are about 90th! Not good enough I'm afraid. But we are 2nd if you search for 'Phone App'!

Lessons Learned:

  1. If the going gets flat... then think differently. You never know where your creativity will take you.
  2. Keep your eyes peeled for possible collaborators who are close to or already reached their project fund total and try to help them reach their stretch goals by working together. This will also be quite a bonus for you. hopefully!
  3. Thank your backers and treat them to a personal message. They may choose to raise their pledge if you are open and honest with them.

Lots to do tomorrow - Bank Holiday! No rest for the wicked \m/

Saturday 30 March 2013

Day Ten - 14% Take a Fricking Bow!

Day Ten and we today we broke our 3 days of no additional backers with two amazing pledges. Thank you! As expected, today I was able to surf the social networks pushing the name HappiJar into conversations and hoping against all hopes that we managed to get a run of re-tweets, shares and as a result - more pledges.

Some of it appeared to have paid off :)

Our expectations for an Easter bank holiday weekend was that we wouldn't see much by way of traffic to our project page. So I decided to kick off something to help bring in the punters next week.... check this out please as we need some help.

We are looking for an movie editing and voice over genius to collaborate with us to turn this into a video that goes viral. That's all.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Quiet times need not be times to put down your project. These are the times to get busy and let your creativity come up with new ideas on how to promote your campaign!
  2. Keep a watchful eye on your social media campaign and be responsive. 

Have a great Easter Sunday and see you later for another update :)

Friday 29 March 2013

Day Nine - 13% Can An App Really Make You Happy?

AHA! A title to get our teeth into! I thought that today I'd tell you a little bit about the inner workings and the philosophy behind HappiJar so you could judge for yourself whether or not an app can truly make you happy or not.

Up until about 6 months ago I had never read much on the subject of happiness or asked myself if I was happy. To me it was much like the question "have you ever fallen in love?". Your instinctive answer might be, yes of course! But we do find that we have to think about it first. Everybody has fallen in love or felt happiness - right? So why do we pause for thought?

In my past I have written a blog post or two about 'contentment', perhaps even broached the subject of happiness, but only because I felt urged to formulate an opinion on it. I believed that this would help galvanise me against feeling down in the future. If I'm honest, part of me did this just so I could have a witty answer ready for when someone inquired about my happiness. Which they did. Lots. Must have something to do with looking so intense all the time.

If it wasn't for friends and family continuously asking me if I was happy or not - I probably would have never given it a second thought. For me, happiness had always been about being lost in the moment. Designing or talking about ideas. I could and have spent hours talking to anyone about ideas. They are gorgeous little creatures which infest our lives. Crawling in and out of our dreams, books, music, conversations [mainly beer addled ones] waiting for the perfect opportunity to take root and emerge into the light.

So What Has Changed In Me?
Late last year I stumbled upon a rather interesting concept which was new to me. Gratitude. Being grateful appeared to be a super fast highway into feelings of appreciation for things, people and places; which then led neatly onto contentment and happiness. This realisation struck me as not the only answer to becoming happier - but also an outward indicator that a person was being mindful. Contentment comes from within and it can reveal itself in many different ways should we be searching for it. Perhaps in the way that someone plays a musical instrument, or rides a bike, or even the way someone lovingly prepares food for their family. These moments begin to define us and other people relate to these as the actions of someone who has found not only an inner peace, but also a way to express it. Not matter how fleeting our 'moments' are - they all are worth reflecting upon.

Why a Gratitude App?
Gratitude is just one path to happiness, and I chose this path only because it could be practised easily. Lucky for you and me is that it can also be replicated in the simple functions of a mobile phone too. Big smiles.

When I finally decided that designing a phone app was the way forward I considered that my most important challenge was this; build an app which people wanted to use. Not needed to use. Wanted.

The bitter sweet reality to gratitude and therefore happiness was that no one would openly admit that they needed an app of all things to correct their happiness quotient or make them feel more grateful. Yet practising gratitude has been scientifically proven to help us become more thankful for the small things in life. An interesting problem, and one which I my engineering brain was curious to find an answer for.

How will HappiJar Be Any Different?
Well forget graphs, forget online communities of strangers who repeat gratitude to one another for support and sympathy. There are apps, groups and social networks out there that do this very well already. My vision for gratitude and HappiJar is deeply rooted in the humble but effective personal pleasure of journalling.

Record your thankful thoughts and blessings as photographs, voice messages or text. Anticipate and reflect upon them at a later date. Share the thanks with those who mean everything to you. Enjoy the ever changing beautiful button designs by artists the world over. 

This year is likely to see many new apps which deal with mental health and issues surrounding our happiness. They are simply following the same trends as the emergence of physical health apps. Most of us will have down loaded a walking or running app at one time I'm sure. But through all the bells and whistles and training plans, none of them, not a single one can actually walk for us. Or run FOR us. We still have to do our part. An app will not 'make' us be happy. It can however help train us to be more grateful, mindful and appreciative. Therefore it can help us become happier.

How Does That Work?
Do you remember buying your first new car? Saving your money, pouring over the glossy brochures, gazing at the lush interiors and dreaming about how you would feel sitting in you brand new car. Once your decision was made do you also remember walking down the street or driving into work, only to see that every other car on the road was not only the same make and model car that you dreamed about, but the identical colour too! Focussing on one good outcome is a generally accepted way of making it happen in real life. The law of attraction works this way too.

If we concentrate and become more mindful of the great things that happen to us which may have otherwise gone unnoticed - then more good things to be thankful for will reveal themselves to us.

My job is simple. Build you an app that you love to use and want to share. The rest is just human nature.

Please share our links with your friends and if you can, pledge support on Kickstarter. Currently you have a unique opportunity to help us sculpt the way that HappiJar delivers on it's promise to help you become more grateful.

Have a great Easter Holiday folks. Roll on social media Saturday and hopefully some more backers.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Day Eight - 13% Call from out of the blue

After what seemed like months of social networking, networking, and talking with people about our project, we began to see a very small change for the better.

The number of twitter followers crept up, Facebook shares are up, we had a phone call from an inspirational speaker on motivation who wanted to hear more about our project and why I was doing it. Topping that all off, 3 articles are being written for us on HappiJar, and our quest to make the world a happier and more grateful place.[one already published here]

Can't quite believe it all.

All this and 48 continuous hours of with no pledging! This has got to be the most enlightening, exciting and soul destroying experience anyone will ever encounter.

Lessons Learned
  1. Make a list of the leads that you make during the day and chase. Them. Down. The mountain will NOT be coming to Mohammed.
  2. Liven up your Facebook page feed and new posts each day. Link this to Twitter. Take photos of related events on Instagram, and share them with the hash-tag #KickStarter. 
We also released our first project update on Kickstarter! Check it out!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Day Seven - 13% Happy Entrepreneurs

A large amount of potential and new connections were picked up today. We went along to a networking meeting in London and met with a gaggle of wannabe entrepreneurs who all had a penchant for happy start-ups. Quite fun really.

Some of the visitors had already seen our pitch on KickStarter, and one in particular didn't quite get it. That was frustrating, but forced me to look at our pitch thrice again.

We have had over 100 video views and only a handful of KickStarter member pledges... why?? Was it because they don't 'get' us?

Going to think on that whilst I re-tweet and like more stuff....

Lessons Learned:

  1. Speak to as many people about your project as possible. Try to find meetings which you have something in common with the crowd and go along to make new friends. 
  2. Lots of video plays doesn't necessarily mean lots of pledges. Re evaluate your pitch all the time and hone it in if you feel that you are not getting the message across still. Ask potential backers and promoters for advice.
24 hours, lots of work and still no more backers...

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Day Six - 13% Old Aquaintances

An early morning backer today brought our total up to £2095. This was an old acquaintance who had remained in contact with us and chose to help us along. Massively grateful for all our networks - and this is fast becoming our 'sudden realisation to success'.

Today also brought to us a new twitter follower who is cheering our progress along from the sidelines - quite a celebrity too! I won't mention their name but we are very humbled by their interest :)

Again, this came about from a best friend tweeting about us to his distance connections. Who'd a thought?

Lessons Learned
  1. Do your networking BEFORE you launch. Building new connections is possible during a campaign, but not necessary if you already have a good following of people willing to share your project.
  2. Celebrity status followers are not the key to success. But they help spread the word. Fast!

Monday 25 March 2013

Day Five - 12% High Alert Day!

Today was THE best.

We had 6 backers in 24 hours who pledged £988 between them! Hitting 12% felt good I've go to tell you. This meant that our possibility of hitting our target just went up from around 40% to 65%! Well according to a blog post it did... [The Untold Story Behind Kickstarter Stats].

There was a rather awesome pay forward event during the day which is worth mentioning. My best friend posted our project on his Facebook timeline, and as a result, one of his connections saw the project and we received a rather big pledge! Amazing turn of events.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Insist that your bestest friends post and re-post the project. You never know who they know or how much they will love your idea!
  2. Keep plugging away. Emails, tweets, likes and re-posts. You have to continuously approach new people with your idea and get their feedback!
  3. Google Alerts. A fantastic find. I now have Google alerting me to articles and news on happiness across the world. When I get it, I repost it on my Facebook page. Sorted!
Super fantastic day!!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Day Four - 7% Day of Rest

Finding myself circling like a greedy vulture over the posts of my Facebook groups and those of my 400 twitter followers, I decided to take a few hours off and relax with my fiancĂ©e's family.

Great food and company, followed by a 'ahem' short game of monopoly and my mind wasn't on the fact that it had almost been 48 hours without a single pledge.

When I got home I found that we had received well wishing emails from various happiness experts, doctors and psychologists, oh and a sprinkling of tweets which had been re-tweeted.

Lessons Learned

  1. Take a break. If only for an afternoon. You have signed up to a long quest, so save your energy for when it matters most.
  2. Mind games. KickStarter funding will play havoc with your head if you let it. Don't let it take hold and treat each new email wishing you luck as a blessing and an energy pill.

Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings...

Saturday 23 March 2013

Day Three - 7% Social Sharing Day

Thank you Facebook. Today we saw multiple shares and likes and re-tweets across the board. Yes we only managed to secure pledges totalling £13, but they were both from friends. Ready and willing to help out because it was me :) and they believe in our happiness project..

I finished the day with a run and a new optimism that even though we weren't going to be one of 'those' projects that got funded in 48 hours. We might just get there through love and admiration.

Lessons Learned

  1. Top friends are top fans too! Much has been said about how to get funded on KickStarter. The common theme has always been to reach certain funding targets through your own personal networks. It seems strange to me that it has to be this way... but monkey see monkey do.
  2. Facebook rocks! You need to ask friends to share your project. SHARESHARESHARESHARE!

Looking forward to Sunday and day four with a renewed confidence.

Friday 22 March 2013

Day Two - 6% Networking

Today was a busy one. I managed to visit a business social gathering that I help to host once a month.

The thought of sharing the good news about my launch with some of my business acquaintances, and anyone else with ears for that matter was quite exciting. I now had a real site to send people to!

HappiJar was well received by most, lots of connections made and we even had a glut of social media shares which took us to almost 100 Facebook likes on the KickStarter project page! Good work! I was also able to connect with a HappiJar fan who promised to forward on my link to some more people who would very much be interested in our campaign.

No additional pledges though. Not to be disheartened though, I got home and planned my social media Saturday and chased up some emails. Then thought about why backers were not crashing the servers trying to pledge their support for HappiJar... are they insane!

Lessons Learned:

  1. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. So much so that it can be quite painful hearing about how great your project is, but not great enough to back. Grow a pair Glen and stay focussed.
  2. Networking might not bring you tens or hundreds of pledges. But it could bring you more and even further reaching connections :)

Go to bed, with a slightly sore head and hope of a better tomorrow.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Day One - 6% Launch day

The build up to launching project HappiJar on KickStarter was far from brief and really quite painfully eventful... BUT I don't want to talk about the tribulations - not yet anyway. Especially since today was a happy day!

I'd like to to regale you with a rather awesome first day to our 30 day KickStarter campaign which resulted in pledges totalling £1004!!

We had 3 backers, one from America who discovered our project in the Recently Launched section of the site - THANK YOU KICKSTARTER!! Another was a friend of ours who we backed recently. So a bit of you scratch my back if I scratch yours there. But, our final backer was a corporate one with a massive pledge :)

Dancing and happiness ensued.

Lessons learned
  1. Browse for other KickStarter projects before you launch. If you find any that you love, then show them some pledge love. Just like I did. I'm getting a cool reward AND they returned the favour. Nice.
  2. Search for and contact possible corporate backers EARLY. Send emails out before you hit the big green rocket button. You may not hear back from them directly, but you might just get a healthy pledge as a result. 
Roll on Day Two! 

Our Pitch!